

abuse estimate dismiss=fire be slated to intuitioin perseverance hectic dispute


refill: admit: 認める hectic: 消耗性 certificate: 証明書 complimentary: 賞賛, ご招待, 無料 compensation: おわび、補償 negligence: 怠慢 patronage: 愛用 impatient: せっかちな


estate = possession: 財産、所有物 abuse: 乱用する、悪用する approve(propose) a resolution: 決議案を採択する introduce a legislation administrative: 管理的な slip: メモ用紙 authorize: 許可する dismisse: renovation reopene superior


ensure:確実にする vehicle defective:欠陥ある defect :欠陥 proceed projection object to X :Xに異議を唱える


exclusively anxiety about -ing subject prosecution expertise attendees climate profit devote oneself to -ing


acquire: 獲得する merge with - :〜と合併する approve: 承認する pursue: 追求する request: 要望 offere: 申し出 submission: 提案 claim: 主張 exclude: 排除する exclution: 排除 exclusively: 排他的に exclusive: 独占的な


I'm not sure how often the buses run. My finances are tight. We can't let anyone in after visiting hours. Can't you make an exception just this once ?


I'm in the sales and marketing department. I think it's a flaw in the program. I'll get on that right away, sir. I'd appreciate that. Are you absolutely sure you can meet the deadline ? We're asking people to be in the auditorium 15 minute…


registration approve close a contact willing tie in come up submission thorough conduct anxiety subject to prosecution addresse derive discourage discard revenue